Sensors, sensor applications, sensor types
[How has the application of sen]
Release date:[2020/5/14] Is reading[266]次

How has the application of sensors changed us?

The characteristics of the sensor include: miniaturization, digitization, intelligence, multifunction, systemization, and networking. It is an important link to realize automatic detection and automatic control.

The existence and development of the sensor gives the object a sense of touch, taste and smell, and slowly makes the object alive.

According to its basic perception function, it is generally divided into ten categories such as heat sensitive element, light sensitive element, gas sensitive element, force sensitive element, magnetic sensitive element, humidity sensitive element, acoustic sensitive element, radiation sensitive element, color sensitive element and taste sensitive element. .

Simte Electric and Aite Electronics are both subsidiaries of Yuding Group, a sensor manufacturer with advanced technology, and provide professional sensor solutions.

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